Mainstream-medias plötsliga UFO-hysteri beror på att makteliten försöker dölja Nord Stream-bombningen, vaccinskador med mera. Det hävdar många kritiker i sociala medier. Men det kan faktiskt handla om ”utomjordingar”, rapporterar media.
De senaste dagarna har mainstream-media fyllts av nyheter om UFO:n.
Plötsligt upptäcks UFO:n överallt.
”Ytterligare ett okänt föremål i USA har skjutits ned”, dundrade SVT ut sent på söndagen.
”Misstänkt flygande objekt över norra Kanada”, skrev SVT i lördags.
Exakt vad det handlar om vet dock man inte, påpekas det.
Det flygande föremålet som sköts ner vid den amerikansk-kanadensiska gränsen hade formen av en oktagon, rapporterar amerikanska medier.
Samtidigt sprids filmer på flygande tefat i sociala medier, som påstås var tagna nyligen.
”UFOs” ligger som översta trend på Twitter.
Kanadas premiärminister Justin Trudeau har bokstavligen börjat jaga UFO:n.
– Det utgjorde ett rimligt hot mot civila flygplan. Så jag gav order att skjuta ner det, sade han på en pressträff.
– Inte ens piloterna kunde riktigt identifiera vad de såg, heter det i en CNN-sändning. När de tittade på föremålet kunde de inte se något identifierbart framdrivningssystem och de visste inte hur det faktiskt kunde hålla sig i luften på en höjd av 40.000 fot.
”USA stänger inga dörrar – och räknar inte ens bort möjligheten att utomjordingar skulle kunna vara inblandade”, rapporterar Expressen.
Men i sociala medier är många kritiska. Den plötsliga UFO-hysterin anses i stället vara en distraktion från bland annat Seymour Hershs avslöjande att det var Nato-länderna USA och Norge som bombade sönder Nord Stream.
”Seymour Hershs journalistik är så kraftfull att den utlöste en utomjordisk invasion”, skriver debattören Jackson Hinkle på Twitter.
Fler reaktioner:
Seymour Hersh’s journalism is so powerful it sparked an alien invasion.
— Jackson Hinkle 🇺🇸 (@jacksonhinklle) February 12, 2023
Interesting how as soon as we get the story about USA and Norway blowing up Nordstream, suddenly they are shooting down "UFOs" in the sky.
Good way to change the news cycle…
— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) February 12, 2023
Seymour Hersh reveals the truth about the terrorist attack on the NS pipeline, and suddenly we hear about UFOs. What are the odds. pic.twitter.com/ZN39f1phie
— Hassan Mafi (@thatdayin1992) February 12, 2023
Here goes @JustinTrudeau trying to create fear again… don’t let it work, he’s proven again and again to be a weak leader and a LIAR https://t.co/JJz81rIxbv
— K.P.G. (@hab_just) February 12, 2023
If you can make idiots believe men can have babies – you can make idiots believe we’re under a UFO attack.
— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) February 12, 2023
UFO claims cause everyone to suddenly forget that the US government just perpetrated one of the most consequential terror attacks in human history: the explosion of the Nord Stream pipelines.
— Jackson Hinkle 🇺🇸 (@jacksonhinklle) February 12, 2023
This is exactly why the balloons keep coming https://t.co/cYL0FkuDWy
— Jacqueline 🇨🇦🤯🗣 (@DawnOmni) February 13, 2023
Don’t let UFOs and Chinese spy balloons distract you from the fact a US President ordered Russian pipelines be blown up without notifying Congress then misled the American people about it, risking WWIII to defend a corrupt nation where his son Hunter raked in millions of dollars
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) February 12, 2023
“UFO’s” are a distraction from:
The US blowing up the Nordstream Pipeline.
Big Tech Companies coordinating with the FBI/US intel to censor Americans and influence elections.
Epstein client list (potential reveal).
Deadly chemical release disaster in East Palestine, OH.— Murray 🇺🇸 (@Rothbard1776) February 12, 2023
Why would a CIA mouthpiece climb onto CNN to "blah blah blah" about UFOs?
Probably to distract you from: the Nord Stream pipeline story. Inflation. House investigations into Big Tech/Biden censorship. The NATO failures in Ukraine. Or China preparing for war.
You know: reality.
— Emerald Robinson ✝️ (@EmeraldRobinson) February 12, 2023
Silly aliens, you’re supposed to come in through our southern border. No one will stop you coming in that way. 👽 https://t.co/0ngpBv7RP3
— Kristen (@Kriscilicious) February 12, 2023
hi Americans, if you really believe in alien invasion, you are in serious trouble, you haven't understood anything in these two years👌 pic.twitter.com/hlv0wS2GZu
— nikola 3 (@ronin19217435) February 12, 2023
Alien invasion on hold for now! pic.twitter.com/kQRg7BaYgf
— Lance Walks Between Worlds Witch Dr. (@LancefromBC1) February 9, 2023
You didn’t buy Covid so here comes the staged Alien Invasion Lmao
— Matt Couch (@RealMattCouch) February 11, 2023
The US government is just taking you for stupid and laughing at you at this point. https://t.co/eFsLNviXxD
— RoyalJelly (@brianAburman) February 13, 2023
Who believes the Media is using UFOs as a distraction from the Pfizer, Nordstream Pipeline, Ohio chemical disaster and Big Tech Censorship bombshells?
— TEAM USA 🇺🇸 (@__TEAM_USA) February 12, 2023
Hence ufo invasion https://t.co/UoZ0zXfO2z
— MollyRollinz (@jenalee77733) February 12, 2023
MENU: UFOs are blown out of the sky. It’s a strange time for extraterrestrials to be visiting us? The US also targeted the sub-sea Nord Stream pipeline and British lawmakers are all silent over the Ukraine War Follow @MoatsTV #UFOs https://t.co/6Gz0hibFBL
— The Mother of All Talkshows with George Galloway (@MoatsTV) February 13, 2023