Minst 500 civila ska ha dödats när sjukhuset Al-Ahli i Gaza bombades på tisdagen.
Det var under tisdagen som ett sjukhus i Gaza attackerades. Minst 500 personer ska ha dödats, skriver SVT.
Händelsen har utlöst protester vid israeliska ambassader i Mellanöstern.
”Att attackera ett sjukhus med kvinnor, barn och oskyldiga civila är det senaste exemplet på Israels attacker som saknar de mest grundläggande mänskliga värderingarna. Jag uppmanar hela mänskligheten att vidta åtgärder för att stoppa denna oöverträffade brutalitet i Gaza”, skriver Turkiets president Erdogan på X.
RT rapporterar att det, enligt hälsoministeriet i Gaza, handlar om ett ”israeliskt luftangrepp”, men Israel säger att man inte ligger bakom attacken.
Enligt den israeliska militären IDF var det en ”misslyckad raketuppskjutning” av Islamiska Jihad som träffade Al Ahli-sjukhuset, skriver man på X.
Men i sociala medier är det många som ifrågasätter det israeliska narrativet, däribland att ingen palestinsk raket skulle kunna orsaka så enorm förödelse.
I am horrified by the killing of hundreds of Palestinian civilians in a strike on a hospital in Gaza today, which I strongly condemn. My heart is with the families of the victims. Hospitals and medical personnel are protected under international humanitarian law.
— António Guterres (@antonioguterres) October 17, 2023
No Palestinian rocket can cause the carnage & mass death we saw in that hospital. Israel warned evacuation before bombing it. Officials gloated about it before denying. Shame on all media stenographers repeating Israel’s lies to deflect the perpetrator of this egregious war crime
— Abby Martin (@AbbyMartin) October 17, 2023
A failed rocket launch by the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization hit the Al Ahli hospital in Gaza City.
IAF footage from the area around the hospital before and after the failed rocket launch by the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization: pic.twitter.com/AvCAkQULAf
— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) October 18, 2023
Gaza War update.
Israel dropped a 2000-lb JDAM on a hospital and killed about a thousand people. Guided bomb, known facility. Connect the dots.
They've been spinning conspiracy theories since about how it was some Palestinian rocket that did it. I don't believe them.
— Armchair Warlord (@ArmchairW) October 18, 2023
They lied to you about Iraq.
They lied to you about COVID.
They lied to you about Russiagate.
They lied to you about the Ukraine War.
They lied to you about beheaded babies.But you think they’re telling you the truth about who bombed a hospital in Gaza?
Wake up.
— Jackson Hinkle 🇺🇸 (@jacksonhinklle) October 18, 2023
Bombing a hospital is bringing hell to earth.
— Andrew Tate (@Cobratate) October 17, 2023